LK Armatur Our websites English

Our websites

Architects & Planners

In our industry, we stand for innovation over status quo, and simplicity over complexity, and there is no finish line. Making things better isn’t done in a day, it’s done every day. To make it easy for you to design, our products are available in several file formats for you to download.

Computer and drawings


Learn more about Building information modelling and download 3D files.


Meet us at exhibitions all over Europe, at your local event or invite us to attend your in store event. 


We are constantly striving to reduce our environmental impact.

Made in Sweden

LK Armatur is a Swedish family-owned company based in Helsingborg.

"If you have a question"

Did you know that all information about our products are gathered on each product page?

Just search for the product in question and you'll find instructions, movies, technical data, applications and much more.

In addition, we have our FAQ. Should you still not find an answer to your question, you're more than welcome to contact us.



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